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Who Qualifies for Assisted Living Care?

Assisted living can be a helpful living situation for seniors, especially when it comes to those day-to-day tasks that might slip by.

Assisted living can be a helpful living situation for seniors, especially when it comes to those day-to-day tasks that might slip by. The friendly and respectful staff members at an assisted living community can help your loved one by remembering medication and assisting with personal care chores such as bathing, dressing, or grooming, among other things. Your loved one might be excited to go to assisted living (say goodbye to doing your own housekeeping!); the only obstacle might be figuring out whether you or your loved one might qualify for it.

Here are three determining factors for who qualifies for assisted living care in Arizona:

1. Age

There’s no question that things become more difficult as we age, both the physical and mental aspects of life. Generally speaking, if you’re looking into senior housing, you are probably above the age of 55 (since once you turn 55, you are considered to be in the senior age demographic). However, this number can vary from person to person. 

You may not be ready to move to independent or assisted living until later in your life, which is understandable since retirement age typically doesn’t kick in until after 65. There is no upper age limit to living in a Solterra Senior Living community, meaning you won’t be expected to move once you’re all settled in.

2. Disability

If you have a disability, this can be a way to qualify for assisted living as well. If you need assistance in your daily activities, an assisted living community can be a simple way to make your life a lot easier. Our staff members are here to help you with any daily living activities you may struggle with. You might also need transfer assistance, such as moving from a wheelchair to a bed, or vice versa.

3. Need for Assistance

Even if you are in perfect health, it might be difficult or burdensome for you to do some of your daily chores. Housekeeping and home maintenance, grocery shopping, and cooking for yourself—all of these can be handled by someone else. You will find your quality of life will increase when you are able to hand these chores off to someone else! You may also find that some things you have always done for yourself might be easier if you get a helping hand. These might include tasks such as dressing and grooming, or even bathing and showering.

Sometimes seniors have a difficult time leaving their homes as well, which promotes feelings of isolation and depression. Living in an assisted living community ensures you will always have someone to spend time with, whether that’s in your apartment, your new friend’s apartment, or one of our stylish common areas.

It doesn’t matter whether you fit one or all of these criteria: Solterra Senior Living will provide the right level of care for you in a compassionate and respectful atmosphere. Our professional staff and personnel are dedicated to maximizing the quality of life for our residents. Contact us today to schedule a tour of one of our stylish and comfortable communities!

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