4 Early Signs of Alzheimer’s Disease
For families with loved ones experiencing Alzheimer’s disease, it can often feel as though there is no hope. The Alzheimer’s care team at BridgeWater in Tucson, Arizona, wants to change that. We provide quality memory care to our residents and provide support to families who sometimes feel helpless.
Part of that support includes helping you understand how important early detection is when it comes to diagnosing Alzheimer’s. That’s why we want to share with you some of the most common early warning signs of the disease. Here are some things you should look out for.
1. Difficulty With Routine Tasks
Many people associate memory loss with Alzheimer’s, but there are other signs to watch out for. One is struggling with a routine task. It could be difficulty following a family recipe that your loved one once knew like the back of their hand, or it could be getting lost driving to a familiar location that should be fairly easy to remember. While advanced age can present challenges for us all, keep an eye out for signs your loved one is struggling with something that should be more or less second nature.
2. Inability to Understand Spatial Relationships
It’s not uncommon for us to experience vision problems as we get older. But pay close attention to impairment that involves changes of color vision or an inability to accurately measure the distance between objects. Perhaps your loved one reaches for a lamp to turn it on but misses the switch because the lamp appears closer than it actually is. Or perhaps they fail to notice something right in front of them. If your loved one is struggling to understand how close or far away an object truly is, it could be an early warning sign of Alzheimer’s disease.
3. Losing Train of Thought
It’s fairly normal to have a thought and then get sidetracked to the point that you completely forget what you were going to say. But be careful to notice when someone loses their train of thought mid-sentence. People with Alzheimer’s may trail off mid-conversation or repeat something they said just moments before. They may have a hard time recalling the name of a familiar object or have difficulty following a simple conversation. Be mindful of whether your loved one is having a hard time conversing with others.
4. Personality Changes
While most of the warning signs we are discussing have to do with the mind, Alzheimer’s can also affect moods. Be on the lookout for any personality changes or mood shifts. If you notice your loved one becoming increasingly anxious, fearful, depressed, or even suspicious, these could be early warning signs. Your loved one may also seem withdrawn from family or friends, social activities, or hobbies that they once enjoyed.
We know it can be devastating to think that your loved one may be suffering from Alzheimer’s, but there is help out there. If you’re looking for Alzheimer’s care in Tucson, Arizona, give us a call so we can coordinate an on-site visit.
While there is no cure for Alzheimer’s, the disease can be managed, and the good news is if you’re looking out for these signs, you may have found it early enough to make a difference. We know you care for your loved one. Allow us to care for them as well.