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The Mission at Agua Fria Is Your Home for Senior Care

Circumstances today are driving new ways of living in our society.

Circumstances today are driving new ways of living in our society. We have seen the shift in workforce dynamics as more and more people are now working from home. Even socializing has become a puzzle of guidelines, and it’s not always intuitive to know what or when something is safe for your specific needs. Our healthcare system is stretching to meet the needs of our communities as quickly as possible, and quality care is transitioning into new routines, including telemedicine and video conferences. We are awakening to a new perspective on the things we value in our lives: the people, activities, and community we have cultivated. We cannot take for granted that the quality of life we’re expecting to enjoy in the future will be as easily accessible as it has been in the past. It’s vital to prepare for this new normal with new ways of thinking about senior care. The Mission at Agua Fria is providing the quality of life that you deserve by creating a safe, nourishing community that has the necessary services to maintain your individuality and dignity through independence.


The Mission at Agua Fria provides assisted living services as well as memory care services.

Assisted Living

It can be a daunting task to make the decision to move into an assisted living situation, but there are some very important benefits that allow seniors to remain independent while also relieving them of some of the more mundane tasks of daily life. The Mission at Agua Fria campus has 59 units designated for assisted living tenants. These units come in four different floorplans with two size options of a studio or one-bedroom apartment. The campus has sophisticated security, and each unit has additional safety features such as emergency pull-cords, handrails in the bathrooms, and roll-in showers. The most important aspect for many seniors is the distinct feeling of being at home. With spacious units and a pet-friendly environment, you can customize your living space with select pieces of your own furniture and keep your companion for your ultimate comfort. A qualified professional will make an assessment to decide the level of personal attention you should have. The 24-hour on-site staff means there is help nearby when you need it.

Memory Care

With 30 memory care studio apartments that provide a safe environment for seniors, the Peoria memory care program utilizes enrichment activities like music, art, and pet therapies to stimulate and reassure seniors if things start to feel overwhelming or confusing. In the memory care neighborhood, residents can join others for meals or visit the activity room or the open lounge. An enclosed courtyard brings opportunities for fresh air, seasonal change, and connection to the elements—a wealth of sensory experience. There’s even a nurse’s station for health questions or concerns. Each studio is secure and has an emergency pull-cord, an emergency pendant, safety handrails, and walk-in or roll-in showers. What sets it all apart is the quality of home life that can be achieved. All of our residents are provided with three delicious meals each day, weekly housekeeping and linen services, weekly trash removal, scheduled transportation, and plenty of opportunities to create friendship and comradery.


As we mature, we may become more vulnerable to illness and injury, so it’s essential to be proactive and implement safety precautions before you need them. It’s no secret that fall, slip, and trip hazards are dangerous. Nor is it any surprise, that rapid responses to emergencies increase the odds for favorable outcomes. The safety and security of your home is a top priority. The Mission at Agua Fria has invested in sophisticated technology in order to ensure that our perimeter and access points are secure. Each residential unit has been outfitted with additional features to ensure personal safety, such as non-slip surfaces, handrails, an on-site clinic, and 24-hour emergency response staff. Additionally, our staff is well informed and prepared, especially when considering things like COVID-19 guidelines and procedures. Having a conscientious, informed staff delivers the reassurance you need to feel safe in your home, and peace of mind is essential for health and well-being.


When we think about our homes, it’s usually in the context of our communities: our homes in relation to neighbors, markets, postal services, medical attention, libraries, entertainment, and so much more. When these things start becoming burdensome, many seniors will choose to skip an errand or service rather than take on the task, especially if there are transportation issues. By doing this, they’re gradually but effectively isolating themselves and increasing their risks. There have been interesting studies indicating that people who live in specialized senior communities benefit in important ways, such as greater physical mobility, lower cognitive decline, and higher social engagement. Community offers familiarity, ease, and the confidence to take a more active approach to your life. It’s just easier on a person when you know your home is in a community that’s going to support you when you need the little things as much as it does during a crisis. Beyond the basics, the Agua Fria community includes a theater, gym, lounges, computer center, solarium, beauty salon, chapel, game room, laundry room, and large enclosed outdoor courtyard with walkways for assisted living residents. We also incorporate local outings, enrichment activities, and social engagement in order to establish connections and foster friendships through shared experiences. It’s well worth mentioning again that we are pet-friendly. The Mission at Agua Fria is your home for senior care, where a rich and rewarding lifestyle is available, allowing you to retain your dignity, pride, and independence. Society seems to be running at top speed and everything is getting faster and farther away. A sense of community is important to everyone. This an important decision so it’s understandable you’d want to give it all the consideration that it deserves. If you have any questions, please contact us.