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What’s It Like to Work in Assisted Living Care?

Do you consider yourself a compassionate person? Then you may be a perfect candidate to work in assisted living care.

Do you consider yourself a compassionate person? Then you may be a perfect candidate to work in assisted living care. Just like you’d only want the most positive and uplifting people working with your loved ones, those same people are an essential part of great assisted living communities.

The Mission at Agua Fria takes pride in the quality of staff within the community. They’re an integral part of the community’s success and can make a big difference in the lives of residents. If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to work in assisted living care, here are a few things you can expect from the job.

You’ll Make a Difference

When you work in assisted living care, you’ll have meaningful interactions on a daily basis. Every day, you’ll be working around the same group of people, which differs greatly from other kinds of jobs in the medical field, where people are in and out often. As you begin to interact with the same people often, lifelong relationships form.

Because you’ll be working with an older generation, you’ll be able to hear firsthand accounts of many interesting stories. These people were often at events you’ve only read about in textbooks and are usually willing to share their experiences. Lending them an ear can be beneficial for you but also for them. Sometimes, when seniors are just getting settled into the community, they can become affected by depression. Making such a large life change and entering into a new place can be a challenge. It will be part of your job to make them feel as if they’re at home and to form friendships with residents. These types of interactions can make residents feel less lonely and help them to fight off symptoms of depression.

You’ll Be Part of a Team

There are many working parts that must come together at an assisted living community. Everyone from chefs, nurses, receptionists, and event coordinators have to unify in efforts to create the positive atmosphere that seniors need when in assisted living. When you sign on for a job at a community such as the Mission at Agua Fria, you’ll be a part of a team.

The team atmosphere is something that will push you to continue to do your job well. When everyone works together, everyone benefits. The residents will have a better time, and the work atmosphere will be something that you look forward to returning to each day. With residents’ health and happiness on the line, new workers will quickly become determined to be an asset to the team they join, as the benefits of doing your job well are very fulfilling.

You’ll Have Flexibility

Unlike other jobs, assisted living communities are a 24-hour operation. It’s also a community that’s open during the week as well as weekends. Residents live entirely in the community, which means that some members of staff will be there at all times. This opens the opportunity for more flexibility when it comes to working hours. You can find a position that best accommodates your current schedule, which may include children, school, or a second job. Having this flexibility makes employees feel more in control and happier to come into work.